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Benefit from our experience

Despite their low value in the manufacturing process, auxiliary and operating supplies in many cases represent complex purchasing items that require a high level of product expertise.
We actively support you with the procurement of these C-parts – tailored to your needs.

All C-parts from a single source

We have made it our goal not to deny our customers any product wish. In accordance with the principle of “one face to the customer”, we constantly adapt our product range to the wishes and specifications of our customers and thus bundle the suppliers for you into one central contact: AWI Eberlein.

Systematic procurement optimisation

We are actively working to make our customers’ C-parts procurement process as simple and as efficient as possible. Once the portfolio has been jointly defined, it is our job to make the ordering process via your inventory management system as convenient as possible.

Customised delivery modalities

Every customer has very individual requirements regarding the delivery of their C-parts – depending on industry, location, work processes and many other factors. Based on this, the focus of the delivery is often on very different priorities. We meet the diversity of these requirements with a set of flexibly configurable delivery modalities.

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top brands

We place our trust in strong brands and our reliable partner network. Here is a selection of our suppliers:

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most popular products
Winkelpinselkopf FEmix schwarz, Nickelfassung
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Holzstiel Rundkopf, für Winkelpinselkopf
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Flächenstreichbürste oval, FEmix hell
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Flächenstreichbürste oval, Orel-Borstenmischung
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Deckenbürste Plate-Nylonfaser
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Deckenbürste, Orel-Borstenmix
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Deckenbürste, Fibre-Mischung
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Großflächenwalze Polytex
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Need Help?

Our professional service team will be happy to assist you with your questions and concerns at any time.